Sample Tree

A tree data structure to count circuit and subset selections during protocol sampling.



 draw_tree (tree, verbose=False, path=None)

Generate and return PNG image of tree

To display the image in command line call .show() on the returned PIL image object.

see Fig. 1 in paper

Type Default Details
verbose bool False
path NoneType None File path to save png image to, if None only display image
Returns PNG image Image of CountTree
/home/dw/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/fastcore/ UserWarning: Unknown section Attributes
  else: warn(msg)



 Tree (constants, L=None)

Data structure to track sampled Circuits in Protocol



 Variable (name, count=0, invariant=False, ff_deterministic=False,
           circuit_id=None, **kwargs)

Representation of a random variable inside Tree

See Appendix C in paper



 Delta (name, parent=None, children=None, **kwargs)

Representation of subset cutoff error inside Tree

See Appendix C in paper



 Constant (name, count=0, parent=None, const_val=None, **kwargs)

Representation of a constant value inside Tree.

A node in a tree is a uniquely identifiable object containing references to at most one parent and possibly many children. The root node has no parent and leaf nodes have not children.

The Constant class complements the common tree node by a count attribute which represents the number of times a node has been visited during sampling.

See Appendix C in paper

Test creating a 1-level tree.

# Test 1-level tree

constants = {0: {(0,): 0.8, (1,): 0.1, (2,): 0.05}}
tree = Tree(constants)
root = tree.add(name='root', node_type=Variable, count=100, circuit_id=0)
root0 = tree.add(name=(0,), node_type=Constant, parent=root, count=40)
root1 = tree.add(name=(1,), node_type=Constant, parent=root, count=30)
root2 = tree.add(name=(2,), node_type=Constant, parent=root, count=30)
d = tree.add(name='δ', node_type=Delta, parent=root)
none_0 = tree.add(name='None', node_type=Variable, parent=root0, count=40)
none_0.invariant = True
fail_1 = tree.add(name='fail', node_type=Variable, parent=root1, count=20)
none_1 = tree.add(name='None', node_type=Variable, parent=root1, count=10)
none_2 = tree.add(name='None', node_type=Variable, parent=root2, count=25)

tree.marked = set([fail_1])

root (100, 0.00e+00)
├── (0,) (40)
│   └── None (40, 0.00e+00)
├── (1,) (30)
│   ├── fail (20, 7.20e-03)
│   └── None (10, 7.20e-03)
├── (2,) (30)
│   └── None (25, 4.60e-03)
└── δ

Test numerics of 1-level tree.

# Test numerics 1-level tree

test_eq(tree.root_leaf_rate, 20/100)
test_eq(tree.subtree_sum(tree.root, tree.marked), 0.1 * 20/30)

vL = 0.1**2 * fail_1.var + 0.05**2 * none_2.var # vL = vL^up
test_close(tree.var(mode=1), vL, eps=1e-05)
test_close(tree.var(mode=0), vL, eps=1e-05)

Test creation of 2-level tree.

# Test 2-level tree

constants = {0: {(0,): 0.8, (1,): 0.1}, # c0
             1: {(0,): 0.7, (1,): 0.2}, # c1
             2: {(0,): 1.0}}            # c2

tree = Tree(constants)
root = tree.add(name='c0', circuit_id=0, node_type=Variable, count=100)
root0 = tree.add(name=(0,), node_type=Constant, parent=root, count=70)
root1 = tree.add(name=(1,), node_type=Constant, parent=root, count=30)
d1 = tree.add(name='δ', parent=root, node_type=Delta)

c1_0 = tree.add(name='c1', circuit_id=1, node_type=Variable, count=50, parent=root0)
c1_1 = tree.add(name='c1', circuit_id=1, node_type=Variable, count=20, parent=root1)
c2_0 = tree.add(name='c2', circuit_id=2, node_type=Variable, count=20, parent=root0)
c2_1 = tree.add(name='c2', circuit_id=2, node_type=Variable, count=10, parent=root1)

c1_0_0 = tree.add(name=(0,), node_type=Constant, parent=c1_0, count=40)
c1_0_1 = tree.add(name=(1,), node_type=Constant, parent=c1_0, count=10)
d2 = tree.add(name='δ', node_type=Delta, parent=c1_0)

c1_1_0 = tree.add(name=(0,), node_type=Constant, parent=c1_1, count=15)
c1_1_1 = tree.add(name=(1,), node_type=Constant, parent=c1_1, count=5)
d3 = tree.add(name='δ', node_type=Delta, parent=c1_1)

c2_0_0 = tree.add(name=(0,), node_type=Constant, parent=c2_0, count=20)
d4 = tree.add(name='δ', node_type=Delta, parent=c2_0)
c2_1_0 = tree.add(name=(0,), node_type=Constant, parent=c2_1, count=10)
d5 = tree.add(name='δ', node_type=Delta, parent=c2_1)

none_c1_0_0 = tree.add(name='None', node_type=Variable, parent=c1_0_0, count=40)
none_c1_0_0.invariant = True
none_c1_0_1 = tree.add(name='None', node_type=Variable, parent=c1_0_1, count=5)
fail_c1_0_1 = tree.add(name='fail', node_type=Variable, parent=c1_0_1, count=5)
none_c1_1_0 = tree.add(name='None', node_type=Variable, parent=c1_1_0, count=15)
none_c1_1_1 = tree.add(name='None', node_type=Variable, parent=c1_1_1, count=3)
fail_c1_1_1 = tree.add(name='fail', node_type=Variable, parent=c1_1_1, count=2)

none_c2_0_0 = tree.add(name='None', node_type=Variable, parent=c2_0_0, count=20)
none_c2_0_0.invariant = True
fail_c2_1_0 = tree.add(name='fail', node_type=Variable, parent=c2_1_0, count=10)

tree.marked = set([fail_c1_0_1, fail_c1_1_1, fail_c2_1_0])

c0 (100, 0.00e+00)
├── (0,) (70)
│   ├── c1 (50, 2.88e-03)
│   │   ├── (0,) (40)
│   │   │   └── None (40, 0.00e+00)
│   │   ├── (1,) (10)
│   │   │   ├── None (5, 2.27e-02)
│   │   │   └── fail (5, 2.27e-02)
│   │   └── δ
│   └── c2 (20, 2.88e-03)
│       ├── (0,) (20)
│       │   └── None (20, 0.00e+00)
│       └── δ
├── (1,) (30)
│   ├── c1 (20, 7.20e-03)
│   │   ├── (0,) (15)
│   │   │   └── None (15, 9.77e-04)
│   │   ├── (1,) (5)
│   │   │   ├── None (3, 4.03e-02)
│   │   │   └── fail (2, 4.03e-02)
│   │   └── δ
│   └── c2 (10, 7.20e-03)
│       ├── (0,) (10)
│       │   └── fail (10, 2.07e-03)
│       └── δ
└── δ
A0 = 0.8
A1 = 0.1
B0 = 0.7
B1 = 0.2
C0 = 1

test_close(tree.path_prod(tree.root, fail_c1_0_1), A0*50/70*B1*5/10)
test_close(tree.path_prod(tree.root, fail_c1_1_1), A1*20/30*B1*2/5)
test_close(tree.path_prod(tree.root, fail_c2_1_0), A1*10/30*1)

test_close(tree.path_prod(tree.root, d1), 1 - A0 - A1)
test_close(tree.path_prod(tree.root, d2), A0*50/70*(1-B0-B1))
test_close(tree.path_prod(tree.root, d3), A1*20/30*(1-B0-B1))
test_close(tree.path_prod(tree.root, d4), 0)
test_close(tree.path_prod(tree.root, d5), 0)
v1 = A0**2 * B1**2 * ((c1_0.var + (50/70)**2)*(fail_c1_0_1.var + (5/10)**2) - (50/70)**2 * (5/10)**2)
test_close(tree.path_var(fail_c1_0_1), v1)

v2 = A0**2 * (1-B0-B1)**2 * c1_0.var
test_close(tree.path_var(d2), v2)

Test numerics of 2-level tree.

# Test numerics 2-level tree
test_eq(tree.root_leaf_rate, 5/100 + 2/100 + 10/100)

pL = A0 * 50/70 * 0.2 * 5/10 + A1 * (20/30 * B1 * 2/5 + 10/30 * C0 * 1)
pL_up = 1 - A0 - A1 + A0*(50/70)*(1-B0-B1*5/10) + A1*(20/30)*(1-B0-B1*(3/5)) + A1*10/30*C0*1

test_eq(tree.subtree_sum(tree.root, tree.marked), pL)

v14 = (c1_0.var + (50/70)**2)*(fail_c1_0_1.var + (5/10)**2) - (50/70)**2 * (5/10)**2
v27 = (c1_1.var + (20/30)**2)*(fail_c1_1_1.var + (2/5)**2) - (20/30)**2 * (2/5)**2
v2bar8 = (c2_1.var + (10/30)**2) * (fail_c2_1_0.var + (1)**2) - (10/30)**2 * (1)**2
vL = A0**2*B1**2*v14 + A1**2*B1**2*v27 + A1**2*C0**2*v2bar8 - 2*A1*A1*B1*C0*(2/5)*(1)*c1_1.var
vL += A1**2 * B0**2 * ((c1_1.var + c1_1.rate**2) * none_c1_1_0.var) # non-fail path contributions

test_close(tree.var(mode=1), vL)

Simple (real) tree example

constants = {'ENC': {(0,): 0.977251, (1,): 0.0224993}, # c0
             'meas': {(0,): 0.993021, (1,): 0.0069581}, # c1
             'Z2': {(0,): 0.994015, (1,): 0.00597006}
            } # corresp. p_max = 1e-3
M0 = constants['ENC'][(0,)]
L = 2

tree = Tree(constants, L=L)
root = tree.add(name='ENC', circuit_id='ENC', node_type=Variable, count=1)
root1 = tree.add(name=(1,), node_type=Constant, parent=root, count=1)

root1enc = tree.add(name='meas', circuit_id='meas', node_type=Variable, parent=root1, count=1)
root1enc0 = tree.add(name=(0,), node_type=Constant, parent=root1enc, count=1)
root1enc0 = tree.add(name="None", node_type=Variable, parent=root1enc0, count=1)
root1enc0.invariant = True

root1encd = tree.add(name='δ', node_type=Delta, parent=root1enc)

root1meas = tree.add(name='Z2', circuit_id='Z2', node_type=Variable, parent=root1, count=0)
root1meas0 = tree.add(name=(0,), node_type=Constant, parent=root1meas, count=0)

root1measd = tree.add(name='δ', node_type=Delta, parent=root1meas)

ENC (1, 0.00e+00)
└── (1,) (1)
    ├── meas (1, 6.25e-02)
    │   ├── (0,) (1)
    │   │   └── None (1, 0.00e+00)
    │   └── δ
    └── Z2 (0, 6.25e-02)
        ├── (0,) (0)
        └── δ
delta = constants['ENC'][(1,)] * (1 - constants['meas'][(0,)])
test_close(, delta)
# 10 samples test

constants = {'ENC': {(0,): 0.977251, (1,): 0.0224993}, # c0
             'meas': {(0,): 0.993021, (1,): 0.0069581}, # c1
             'Z2': {(0,): 0.994015, (1,): 0.00597006}
            } # corresp. p_max = 1e-3

M0 = constants['ENC'][(0,)]
L = 2

tree = Tree(constants, L=L)
root = tree.add(name='ENC', circuit_id='ENC', node_type=Variable, count=10)
root1 = tree.add(name=(1,), node_type=Constant, parent=root, count=1)
root0 = tree.add(name=(0,), node_type=Constant, parent=root, count=9)
rootd = tree.add(name='δ', node_type=Delta, parent=root)

root0meas = tree.add(name='meas', circuit_id='meas', node_type=Variable, parent=root0, count=9)
root0meas0 = tree.add(name=(0,), node_type=Constant, parent=root0meas, count=9)
root0meas0None = tree.add(name="None", node_type=Variable, parent=root0meas0, count=9)
root0meas0None.invariant = True

root0meas1 = tree.add(name=(1,), node_type=Constant, parent=root0meas, count=0)
root0measd = tree.add(name='δ', node_type=Delta, parent=root0meas)

root1enc = tree.add(name='meas', circuit_id='meas', node_type=Variable, parent=root1, count=1)
root1enc0 = tree.add(name=(0,), node_type=Constant, parent=root1enc, count=1)
root1enc0 = tree.add(name="None", node_type=Variable, parent=root1enc0, count=1)
root1enc0.invariant = True

root1encd = tree.add(name='δ', node_type=Delta, parent=root1enc)

root1meas = tree.add(name='Z2', circuit_id='Z2', node_type=Variable, parent=root1, count=0)
root1meas0 = tree.add(name=(0,), node_type=Constant, parent=root1meas, count=0)

root1measd = tree.add(name='δ', node_type=Delta, parent=root1meas)

ENC (10, 0.00e+00)
├── (1,) (1)
│   ├── meas (1, 6.25e-02)
│   │   ├── (0,) (1)
│   │   │   └── None (1, 0.00e+00)
│   │   └── δ
│   └── Z2 (0, 6.25e-02)
│       ├── (0,) (0)
│       └── δ
├── (0,) (9)
│   └── meas (9, 2.50e-03)
│       ├── (0,) (9)
│       │   └── None (9, 0.00e+00)
│       ├── (1,) (0)
│       └── δ
└── δ

Another example

constants = {'ENC': {(0,): 0.977251, (1,): 0.0224993}, # c0
             'meas': {(0,): 0.993021, (1,): 0.0069581}, # c1
            } # corresp. p_max = 1e-3

tree = Tree(constants, L=2)
root = tree.add(name='ENC', circuit_id='ENC', node_type=Variable, count=2)
root0 = tree.add(name=(0,), node_type=Constant, parent=root, count=1)
root1 = tree.add(name=(1,), node_type=Constant, parent=root, count=1)
d = tree.add(name='δ', node_type=Delta, parent=root)

root1enc = tree.add(name='ENC', circuit_id='ENC', node_type=Variable, parent=root1, count=0)
root1enc0 = tree.add(name=(0,), node_type=Constant, parent=root1enc, count=0)
root1encd = tree.add(name='δ', node_type=Delta, parent=root1enc)

root1meas = tree.add(name='meas', circuit_id='meas', node_type=Variable, parent=root1, count=1)
root1meas0 = tree.add(name=(0,), node_type=Constant, parent=root1meas, count=1)
root1meas0none = tree.add(name='None', node_type=Variable, parent=root1meas0, count=1)
root1meas0none.invariant = True # Set leaf node to inv (FT PATH!)
root1measd = tree.add(name='δ', node_type=Delta, parent=root1meas)

root0meas = tree.add(name='meas', circuit_id='meas', node_type=Variable, parent=root0, count=1)
root0meas0 = tree.add(name=(0,), node_type=Constant, parent=root0meas, count=1)
root0meas1 = tree.add(name=(1,), node_type=Constant, parent=root0meas, count=0)

root0meas0none = tree.add(name='None', node_type=Variable, parent=root0meas0, count=1)
root0meas0none.invariant = True # Set leaf node to inv
root0measd = tree.add(name='δ', node_type=Delta, parent=root0meas)

ENC (2, 0.00e+00)
├── (0,) (1)
│   └── meas (1, 6.25e-02)
│       ├── (0,) (1)
│       │   └── None (1, 0.00e+00)
│       ├── (1,) (0)
│       └── δ
├── (1,) (1)
│   ├── ENC (0, 6.25e-02)
│   │   ├── (0,) (0)
│   │   └── δ
│   └── meas (1, 6.25e-02)
│       ├── (0,) (1)
│       │   └── None (1, 0.00e+00)
│       └── δ
└── δ
d1 = 1 - constants['ENC'][(0,)] - constants['ENC'][(1,)]
d2 = constants['ENC'][(0,)] * (1 - constants['meas'][(0,)] - constants['meas'][(1,)])
d3 = constants['ENC'][(1,)] * (1 - constants['meas'][(0,)])
delta = d1 + d2 + d3
test_close(, delta)
M0 = constants['ENC'][(0,)] # smallest possible A0.
test_close(tree.constants[tree.M0_index[0]][tree.M0_index[1]], M0)

L = 2
V1 = 6.25e-02

VLup = constants['ENC'][(1,)]**2 * (1 - constants['meas'][(0,)] - L * (1 - M0))**2 * V1
test_close(np.sqrt(VLup), np.sqrt(tree.var(mode=0)))